Find historical and current planning data

A platform to help you create services using planning data, and proposals for standardising this information exchange.

Updated: MARCH 2023

The Planning Register will provide an open platform to store, analyse and access planning data in a uniform way. The system will include an API as well as other tools to ensure that all legacy data is accessible. We are working with councils and other stakeholders to develop a reliable, efficient register prototype.

Collecting data

Explore how we plan to get planning data from sources, the tools we have in place, and future plans for collecting data.

Collecting data

Storing data

Current methods of storing planning data, and our recommendations for opening up access with standards and APIs.

Storing data

Sharing data

How we plan to share data from the register, an API explorer for the current API, and future recommended strategies.

Sharing data

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Slack conversation illustration.

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If you work with Open Digital Planning, find us on the #group-planning-register-data Slack channel to give us feedback or share your work with us. You can also email us with any questions.

Github illustration

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Propose a change to this documentation or the Planning Application API using our Git repository.